29 things Dunnebells learned at 29 that you need to know right now! Jaw droppers!

Today is my 29th birthday, last year I shared the 28 things I learned in 28 years.

This year, read some real talk about the 29 things I learned at 29.

You need to know these things and I cannot wait to hear what you think!

  1. Marrying my wife goes down as one of my favourite days of my entire life.

  2. I’m obsessed with chocolate-covered jube jubes (the ones from Walmart are the best)

  3. I love the idea of being organized enough to send birthday cards to friends and family on time, but the reality is that I am really bad at it and often forget the day let alone the sending of the cards.

  4. Living in a simple small town isn’t as boring as I thought.

  5. I no longer meditate every morning like I did when I was 28, and I am okay with it.

  6. Turns out salt on food is delicious. I am so sad I spent so many years depriving myself of it.

  7. You can love having your period and hate your cramps at the same time. This saalt cup has been the best thing I got for my period.

  8. Oat milk is delicious. Chocolate oat milk in coffee is next level.

  9. I feel blessed to wake up every morning and do what I do.

  10. FUN is my word this year and it is something I’ve had to be stretched and expended on to really understand. Structure/routine holds me back from having a lot of fun. Saying yes to things that sound fun and letting go of perfection has been so cool!

  11. What is meant for you, will always find you. When an opportunity seemed to have been “missed” I soon saw that something better was right around the corner. Make peace with what doesn’t come to fruition or happen right away.

  12. Showing up and speaking vulnerably takes courage, and it is worth it every time.

  13. Instagram workshops are now a thing. I have sold out all 4 of the workshops I have hosted and I am blown away that this gets to be my life.

  14. I am grateful that I have had to wait and practice patients for things in my life to happen the way I want them to.

  15. Expressing 3 things I am grateful for before eating every meal is something I hope I do for the rest of my life. Example: “Grateful for sunshine, fresh vegetables and the fun I had with my wife today”.

  16. I am done with the snow for now. Ready for the beach life.

  17. Road trips to take photos and see cool things is a great way to spend the day.

  18. Feeling guilt around not reading as many books as other Entrepreneurs is something I have had to let go of. I love podcasts and clearly learn better this way. For years I struggled with this and have finally started to feel less guilt around it. I like to read crime fiction, not self-help or business books.

  19. You can do what you love and still be tired. You can do what you love and still become burnt out. You can do what you love and still get excited about taking a break.

  20. You have got to invest in yourself if you expect others to invest in you.

  21. Private people know how to post on social media all day and still, live a life you. don’t know anything about.

  22. I’ve enjoyed almost every second of social distancing.

  23. This past year I have hardly eaten meat. I eat it when I am out or when we cook a special meal from a recipe found online, but other than that I have hardly eaten it and I feel fantastic. The smell of meat and looking at meat in the grocery store is starting to gross me out.

  24. You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach.

  25. The strongest people are those who win battles we know nothing about.

  26. I have the most amazing clients/community in the world. Fight me on it. I dare you.

  27. The people I love on Instagram are @emilyschromm @evanschildfitness @kelskiel

  28. When I arise each morning I think about what a precious privilege it is to be alive. To breath. To think. To enjoy. To love.

  29. I am impressed that you made it this far down the list. Whoever you are, I love you.


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this and for supporting me and my dreams.

I want you to know that I appreciate you so much.

The 29 things I learned at 29 have taken me on a rollercoaster ride and at the end of the day, I feel so blessed to live the life that I do.


I love birthdays and I love presents. I didn’t want to keep it all to myself, so I am sharing the birthday love with you! For my 29th birthday, you can enjoy 29% off ANY Dunnebells program. Click here to shop and use code “happybirthday” to save.

Until next time… stay strong. Be the fire.



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