How To Reach Your Fitness Goals In A Healthy Way

If you are starting out on your new fitness journey, setting goals can be really helpful! When you have a goal you want to reach, you’ll be more motivated, and you’ll be able to track your progress. You’ll also be able to work out a clear path to get where you want to be. 

Now let’s not think about the typical goals. You know the ones. “Lose 30lbs”. “Stop eating so many carbs” etc.

It’s so easy to get carried away and set goals that are too ambitious or that aren’t healthy to reach in the first place. Rather than helping you to get fitter and healthier, your goals could actually be causing you damage and harm and not giving you the results you want. With that in mind, here are some useful tips on how to reach your fitness goals in a healthy way. 

Find One Goal 

Having more than one goal is not a problem in a lot of cases, and it’s perfectly possible to work towards all of them at the same time if you want to. However, when it comes to your health and fitness, it’s often best just to pick one main goal to work towards. 

Not only will this mean you can be a lot more focused, but it also means you won’t overdo things. You do need to be careful that you don’t push your body too far when you are exercising or working out in any way; if you do, you could be injured, and that would mean you can’t do any more exercising for a while, potentially undoing all the good you’ve already done. 

By choosing one main goal, you can work towards it carefully and sensibly and stand a much better chance of getting to the point you want to reach. 

Break Your Goal Down

So now that you have settled on one main goal to consider for your fitness, the next step, if you want to reach this goal in a healthy way, is to break it down into stages. If you don’t do this, the final result, no matter how achievable it might be, could feel completely out of reach, and you’ll be overwhelmed. When this happens, you will no longer be motivated to continue, and that could spell the end of your fitness dreams. 

If you take your goal and break it down into smaller, actionable steps, the entire thing will feel a lot more manageable. You’ll find that if you take each step one by one, slowly and surely going through them all, you’ll be able to reach your ultimate goal without worrying about it and without losing your motivation, stamina, or progress. 

Make a good plan that will help you work through the steps you have come up with so that you even have a timeline to work with. This is an additional piece of motivation that can certainly help on those days when you’re not feeling like exercising. Of course, all these plans and goals should be flexible to some extent, so bear that in mind as well; you don’t want to be doing things that aren’t working for you just because your original plan said you had to. 

Start Slowly 

When you know what it is you have to do to get fitter and healthier, it can be tempting to rush headlong into the process. After all, if you know what to do, what’s the point in waiting any longer? You just need to get started. 

As much as this might seem like common sense, it’s not a good idea. You have to start slowly and build up to doing more and more. Just a little at a time on a consistent basis can make a big difference, and certainly much more so than trying to do too much and finding that you injure yourself or have pushed so hard you’re not enjoying yourself and feel as though you don’t want to continue. 

If you don’t know what your body can do, it’s wise to start slowly and build up over time. You’ll learn more about your own abilities and increase your strength and stamina, so it’s definitely worthwhile, even if it feels as though you want to be doing more. 

Don’t Just Focus On Exercise 

When you want to get fitter, and you want to start doing more exercise, it’s easy to feel as though this is the only thing that’s important. You’ll make time in your life to visit the gym, follow online exercise videos, perhaps go for more walks, and so on. 

Yet what about everything else? Physical activity is certainly important, but if you want to maintain good fitness levels, there are other things you might need to add or remove from your life. We recommend eating a balanced diet that includes both nutrient-dense foods, and some of the not-so-nutrient-dense foods. You know the ones. Pizza, doughnuts, fries etc. We don’t need to label any food as bad or not allowed. When we do this, we are likely going to restrict ourselves and become miserable. Plus, we are far more likely to overeat when the time comes that we do have those foods. Eating plenty of protein, carbs and fats will help you feel full for longer and achieve your fitness goals. You might also want to find out more about the best shakes for weight loss and protein powders to add in to to help you even further. You’ll also need to ensure you get enough sleep, that you drink more water, and that you quit unhealthy habits like smoking. 

Exercise is crucial, but it’s just one part of a healthy lifestyle, so make sure you understand the other components and work on them as well, otherwise, your progress might be slower than you had hoped. 

Celebrate Your Progress 

It’s a great idea to celebrate any progress you make, no matter how small it might seem. Progress is still progress, and you’ll be heading towards your goal, even if it feels like a slow process. Of course, you do need to be careful when you’re celebrating because it can be tempting to treat yourself to something that you’ve been wanting, but if that something is unhealthy, you can undo your progress in an instant. Think wisely before indulging. 

And if you haven’t made any progress, don’t beat yourself up about it. Sometimes things will go more slowly, and sometimes they’ll go more quickly, and if you are persistent and consistent, you’ll get there in the end. Feeling bad won’t help you, but understanding what might have gone wrong will so think about what happened and work on those challenges in the future.

Ready to reach your fitness goals in a healthy way? Apply for our 8-week program today!


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