Lauren's journey to love her body and challenge beliefs || Dunnebells

Do you find it hard to love your body? Are you struggling with setting a weight loss goal that you never reach? How do you get comfortable with eating carbs, lifting weights and moving away from standing on the scale each week? Online personal training may be exactly what you’ve been missing in your life.

Lauren, an incredible Dunnebells client, is sharing her story today to not only show you how she’s doing this but to encourage you that it’s possible! Lauren’s story will give you the perfect dose of real talk and inspiration, as well as an inside look into the Dunnebells Weight Loss Programs.

Lauren was kind enough to write this article in her own words so that you could get the real side of her story. Lauren, I am so proud of you for stepping into the spotlight and allowing your beautiful story to be heard.

Lauren’s journey to love her body and challenge beliefs

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When I started this journey with Lucy I was looking for a rescue, I had gone from being very overweight to very underweight and in a place of doing damage to my body through the vicious cycle of under-eating and overexercising. My body had finally said enough and had started to clap back and regain some of the weight I had lost. I clearly remember sitting on my bedroom floor and crying to myself, knowing that I needed to find a healthier way of letting my body re-normalize while helping my mind get out of the “eat less, exercise more” mindset.

Asking for help takes strength, it isn’t a weakness.

Enter Lucy. 

I had spent months nervously scrolling through Instagram and other social platforms, trying to find the courage to step off the train and challenge the restrictive patterns I had developed. I knew that I needed to find a state of loving my body and not hating it. Supporting my thoughts about “I can do this” vs. “why isn’t this happening”.  Lucy’s journey had mirrored mine in some facets, and it felt like it was less scary to reach out to someone who honestly understood that I loved, and still do, being able to go hard at the gym and feeling the power of “owning” it. 

I think Lucy and I can both agree that that first call was a train wreck (on my part). She was gentle and understanding but also didn’t mince words when telling me that I was working against myself. You’ll come to learn that Lucy is fair but tough.  It comes from the best of intentions and having walked through the fire herself. She high-fived me for walking into the gym like a boss but reminded me that I needed to honour my body and enjoy life rather than feeling like life owned me. 

We’re almost a year into this online personal training program journey and here’s what I know. 

Here is what Lauren now knows:

Lucy has been a steady cheerleader in my corner and has helped me see that I can white-knuckle less when it comes to adding carbs back into my quick weight loss diet plan, not just because I’m rocking heavy weights like a mother in the gym but because they aren’t the enemy. Lucy has been a safe place to land when I’ve had one of those inevitable days of not feeling like I’ve got everything handled and reminding me that that is okay. It’s okay if I need time to decompress and be gentle with myself. Lucy has constantly pushed me to challenge my thoughts and challenge my sense of needing to “be perfect”, because really … what is perfect? 

Has it been comfortable … absolutely not. 

Has it been easy … oh heck no. 

Has it been worth it …. a resounding yes. 

Lauren’s Dunnebells 8 Week Body Transformation Program journey summary

We’re almost a year into this journey, and I can say it is that, a journey. There are days when I’m still not 100% happy with where I’m at and what my body looks like, and I’m working on that. Always a work in progress. I look at the road I have travelled and almost can’t imagine that person anymore. She’s a part of me but she’s not who I am today. 

Thank you, Lucy, and thank you Dunnebells community. 

From Dunnebells online 8 Week Weight Loss Training Program

I am so proud of you Lauren for not only transforming physically but mentally. You have inspired me and everyone reading this. I appreciate you taking this weight loss programs challenge to share your story head-on and believe that your story will inspire people everywhere for years to come. Your confidence is shining through in everything that you do. I can see that the future is bright for you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me to be part of your incredible journey, and thank you for sharing your journey with the readers today.

If you have a transformation you would like to share with me, please email it to me.

Inspired? Ready to make a change? Secure your spot now for the online 8-week body transformation program.


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