6 delicious high protein foods your body needs || Dunnebells

Protein is an essential nutrient that is crucial for a variety of functions in the human body. Getting enough protein is necessary for the building and repair of muscles and increasing your protein intake can lead to other benefits such as losing weight.

You might consider yourself to be “healthy” and consume a diet full of vitamins and minerals, but are you getting enough protein required for your body?

Dunnebells clients realize very quickly the importance of increasing their protein intake to achieve their results, which then leads to the #1 question around protein.

Which natural high-protein foods can I eat to fit my protein needs?

Here are 6 of the most delicious high-protein foods that your body needs.



Being one of the high protein foods, eggs are one of the most easily available and inexpensive options. You can incorporate eggs into a variety of dishes, or use them as a quick breakfast. The egg white contains more than half of the protein contained in one whole egg. When you consume eggs, you are giving your body protein which will result in the full feeling signal being sent to your brain. A quick weight loss diet plan with enough protein will mean you are less likely to reach for foods that aren’t very nutritious. You will feel full, satisfied and energized throughout the day.


With the natural presence of all nine amino acids, Greek yogurt can be a great option for the intake of high-protein foods during your personal training programs. The presence of ‘probiotics’ in it keeps your digestive juices active and the digestive system healthy. You can hide Greek Yogurt easily in a smoothie or mix it with some fresh berries for a protein-packed afternoon snack.


Almonds are an excellent choice when it comes to which high protein foods to eat in your quick weight loss diet plan. They have a good amount of protein, fibre, and are a great source of healthy fat. Consuming ten almonds will give you approximately 3 grams of protein, making them a great option to add to your day as a snack when you feel hunger strike!


Lentils are a very popular protein choice, especially in the vegetarian and vegan world. Lentils are extremely rich in protein. One cup of cooked lentils contains around 10 grams of protein. One thing to keep in mind is that they do not contain all the nine amino acids and because of this, they cannot be classed as a complete protein. However, if you consume lentils with some whole grains, this can provide you with the same quality protein as meat. As lentils are so rich in protein, they will keep you feeling full and energized for the whole day!


I couldn’t give you this list without including chicken on it. Please don’t be like the girl I used to be, and barbeque 30 chicken breasts a week though. We don’t need to go too crazy. Chicken breast is one of the most common and best sources of protein for your quick weight loss diet plan. Chicken has a thermogenic effect, which can help you burn 30% of the calories by simply consuming it. In addition, it is an easy addition to any meal and for a lot of people, it is a staple in your diet. It contains all the essential amino acids with low levels of saturated fat, making it an apt and tasty choice for high protein foods.


We have more vegetarian options for you! You can count on oats when it comes to needing a good source of protein. Oats contain more protein compared to a lot of other grains and oats are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Oats also have about an 80% presence of avenalin, which is a protein similar to gluten but safer for most people with celiac disease. Oatmeal is also a good source of fibre without much sodium, which makes it a great choice for breakfast or a mid-day meal.

Why is Protein recommended for weight-loss during 8-week weight loss workout program?

One of the most common questions Dunnebells gets about protein is why it is so good for weight-loss?

When we consume protein in our diet, we can reduce our hunger hormone and boost several satiety hormones. This is the #1 reason why protein can be good for weight-loss because it majorly reduces our hunger leading us to not consume more calories than we are burning each day.

All these high-protein foods can serve as a delicious and natural alternative to other artificially processed sources. You don’t need to be slamming protein shakes to get the results you are after. These 6 delicious high proteins food are easily accessible and can be incorporated creatively into everyday life. You can try some of these high-protein foods and increase your performance significantly!

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