Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everything we do at Dunnebells is online. There is absolutely no need for you to leave the comfort of your home IF you don't want to or go and buy any fancy equipment. However, if you do want to hit the gym, or your fitness club - please do so. When you sign up for our eight-week program you will fill out an intake form, which you will have the opportunity to let us know whether you will be completing the program from home (and what you currently have available in terms of weights, eat) or if you have access to a gym.

    We’re proud to say that Dunnebells was 100% online before anyone knew what online personal training even was.

  • There is no way to possibly answer this without either crushing your dreams, or giving you a false sense of high expectations, unfortunately.

    We understand that weight loss is one of the main goals of women all around the world, and we never want to take that away from any of you. Weight loss can be very important, and very impactful. However, at Dunnebells, we are not a weight loss program specifically - we are a lifestyle program that may or may not involve weight loss.

    We promote and teach healthy living - integrating both nutrition and exercise (mainly weight training) with the hopes of helping you learn how to happily live within your body, in a way that feels good for you.

    We work with you to figure out what your goals are, to break down barriers you have on yourself, to teach you how to enjoy moving your body, to teach you how to nourish your body in ways that feel good for you instead of for society, and we empower you to want to keep moving forward after our eight weeks together are over.

    We want you to lift heavy weights, sweat a lot, and we want you to have a great relationship with food. We want you to smile, have fun, learn to laugh more, and to discard any negative feelings you have towards your body and the food you consume.

    Does weight loss happen, in this process? YES. Absolutely yes. However, it's different for everyone, and that is all part of what we teach. We believe you will lose weight, but more importantly, we believe you’ll love yourself and the body you’re in, you’ll feel more comfortable in the clothes you own, and you’ll go to sleep at night feeling grateful for the fact that you’ve put yourself first and are feeling the results of your hard work.

  • We have designed our workouts in a way that makes them, on average, able to be completed in 30-45 minutes or less - which includes a warm-up, and a cool down.

    Too often, we come across women who are convinced that more hours in the gym and fewer calories in = faster and more noticeable results. Unfortunately for everyone involved, this is just not the case.

    Long gone are the beliefs that this is an attainable, sustainable, or even healthy way to go about your goals.

    Dunnebells teaches you how to happily build your workouts into your day so that you look forward to them, instead of dread them.

  • Based on the goals that you have and the information you give us in your intake form - we will create a schedule that is attainable for you.

    Likely, you can expect three to four workouts each week in the beginning. These workouts are quick and gritty, and you’ll love them. A few weeks into the program if you’re keen to step it up a bit and your body is willing and able to take on extra, this is something we can integrate and work on as a team.

  • Our eight-week program can be completely tailored to you - if you have weights, we will use them. If you have nothing other than your body, a bag of rice, and some heavy books? Be prepared to get creative. If you don’t even have a bag of rice or heavy books, don’t you even worry - your body weight will do just fine.

    That being said - we will never say "no" to a set of weights. Obviously, there is a real benefit to adding heavy weights to your workouts, but it's not necessary.

    What we want to do is get you going - with whatever you currently have. And then, once you’re in a good routine and you’re feeling like you’ve got your workouts down and you’re consistently giving it all you’ve got - then we can work together to figure out WHAT to buy, if you want to buy anything.

    In our opinion, there might not be a point in buying 5lb dumbbells off the get-go, because in two weeks you might find that you don’t even need them and now you’ve wasted that cash.

    You might want to buy 20lb dumbbells and eventually find that you haven't even picked them up once.

    This program is made for you, and we want it to work for you.

    So no, you don’t NEED anything to get started other than your body, and the willingness to put in the work.

  • Our eight-week program is not exclusive to any one type of person. Vegan, vegetarian, low FODMAP, keto, and anyone else that exists is welcome.

    If you are vegetarian/vegan, and select our nutrition add-on package you will be very well taken care of.

  • Your coach will monitor your progress and support you as best as possible every step of the way. Obviously, you are responsible for doing the workouts that are provided for you, as everything you’ll be doing is done on your own without your coach being there to push or support you in the moment. However, with that said, you are asked to log everything you do, and everything you’re feeling as you make your way through the program and that is where your coach will be able to communicate with you and work through everything alongside you.

  • Did you know the average woman spends 17 years of her life dieting? THAT needs to change. This program has all that you need to stop dieting and missing out on your favourite foods. This program gives you the confidence to rock your workout and the long lasting energy to FINALLY live your best life. What makes this event better? The community and support that you are surrounded by! Celebrate your wins, talk about those struggles and let's do this together!

  • Description text goes hereWhat won't you get from this? There is a reason you made it this far. You are willing to take the steps required to transform your life. We all have goals and for most of us, we just need some assistance so we can achieve those goals.

    We will discuss your goals, your desires and your dreams to make sure you are set up to get there. Trust me, this is not just another weight loss/fitness program.

  • Item descriptionThis is a fully loaded plan that is designed to change your life. This plan will include strength training, cardio training and lifestyle training. You will learn, you will see results and you will set yourself up for success long after you crush this program.

  • No. Your body's hormonal makeup will not allow this to happen.

  • You bet you can! Work and travel are part of life, so it only makes sense this plan is designed to fit into your lifestyle.

  • If you lack motivation, this is probably the ONLY fitness plan you should consider. Not only will you have access to support 24/7 in the palm of your hand, we regularly check in and hold you accountable so that on the days you have ZERO motivation, we got you.

  • The beauty of everything online means you can be anywhere at any time and have access to your plan! For the pro and premium members, you will get full access to our APP!

  • Of course, you will! We do not believe in telling you exactly WHAT to eat because then when the plan ends, you are left to fend for yourself. Through this plan, you will discover you can enjoy all of the foods you love and none of the foods you hate.

  • Come one, come all. With access 24/7 online, you can be anywhere in the world.

  • You are having a baby?! Congratulations!

    Please consult with your local doctor, to ensure you are able to complete this program.

  • You are a brand new mom and your body has changed!

    Please consult with your healthcare practitioner before signing up for this program.

    Get ready to ease back into your workouts and feel stronger than ever before!

  • We got your back don't worry! To be 100% certain you can read about this on both our terms & conditions and privacy policy page.