It’s not uncommon to feel as if you’re constantly running out of time. When your days are not structured in an efficient manner, not only will you feel as if you never have the time you need but also that you’re constantly feeling stressed out. And that’s not something that anyone wants. So if you’re looking to make your days more efficient and less stressful, you’re in the right place.

Pay Attention to Your Distractions

It’s important to make sure that you understand the things that distract you and why those distractions take place. If you feel as if you’re always getting your focus taken away from your work or whatever task you’re meant to be focused on, that suggests there’s definitely an issue somewhere and it’s up to you to get to the bottom of it. That way, you can cut them out more easily.

One activity that we do with our Dunnebells members is asking them to keep a time-tracking journal in 15-minute increments. It may sound counterproductive. If you don’t have time, why would you make time to track your time? However, this method can be SO helpful to understanding where your distractions occur and where your time is being spent, so that small changes and adjustments can be made. Try it for a few days :) We dare you.

Time Small Tasks

Okay, maybe tracking your whole day is overwhelming, so, start by tracking SMALL tasks. When you’re taking care of small tasks, it’s easy to think that they’ll be over quickly. But if you let them drag out, all of those small tasks can easily add up to a big chunk of time, and that’s when things start to get stressful. As you know, stress is not beneficial to your health at all, so focusing on each small task and timing how long it takes is going to be key to help you get on top of your time and become more efficient during the day.

Take Breaks During the Day

Taking breaks throughout the day might not sound like something that’ll boost your efficiency, but it really can make a difference. When you take breaks, you give your brain a rest and then come back more motivated and focused on getting that task done. So make sure you’re giving yourself breaks throughout the day, no matter what you’re doing.

Use a Slow Cooker for Healthy and Efficient Evenings Meals

When you’re busy and stressed, you often don’t feel like making healthy food at the end of the day, but that can leave you feeling frustrated with your nutrition decisions, which can even carry into the next day, or the rest of the week! Instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, we recommend focusing on preparing ONE healthy meal in a more efficient way. Using a slow cooker is a great way to do that. This shrimp boil recipe shows you just how much can be done with nothing more than a slow cooker and good ingredients. Set it and forget it. You are welcome.

Learn to Delegate and Automate Tasks

Learning to delegate tasks to the people around you is an important skill, especially if you run a business or you’re a manager of some kind. Having someone else take some of the workloads off your plate helps a lot. And today there are also lots of tasks that you can delegate to technology through automation, so be sure to make the most of that too.

As you can see, there are lots of ways in which you can make your days a little more efficient and less stressful if that’s something that’s a priority for you. It’s all about planning ahead and using the little tips and tricks that make things more efficient and less of a bother for you.


Small changes lead to big changes so let’s start there. Please use one of these tips and don’t be afraid to fail.

If you need some support check out our online personal training program.

Secure your spot now for the 8-week weight loss program and learn our tactics to become more efficient and less stressed.


