Foods to Include In Your Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan - Dunnebells

Remember, food is a very important component when it comes to weight loss. If you focus on eating more nutrient-dense foods, especially ones that aid in digestion and jumpstart metabolism you’ll be taking a great first step towards your 8 Week Weight Loss Training Program journey.

To start, stock your cupboards and fridge with the right food. You are probably wondering what those “right” foods are, aren’t you? Foods vary drastically when it comes to the impacts on your hunger, burning calories and hormones. 

We can no longer simply rely on only counting calories. It’s important to pay attention to low saturated fat foods, healthy fats, and eliminating ultra-processed food high in sodium, to achieve an overall healthy and balanced diet.

A simple rule to follow where possible is to make room for a high-fibre diet with plenty of whole foods, fruits and vegetables. This will lead to a much more natural approach to reducing your body fat during Weight Loss Programs.

When we look at high-quality foods they have a few things in common — they're rich in fibre (which helps you feel full) and low in energy density (calories) meaning you can eat lots without blowing your calorie content out of the water each day.

Okay, but you came here to find out the best foods to eat for weight loss didn’t you? Don't worry! Here are 10 foods loved by registered dietitians that have your back when looking into starting a quick weight loss diet plan.



Tuna is another high-protein and low-calorie food. As it is lean fish, there isn't much fat in it. Very popular, among fitness models and bodybuilders models who are on a strict diet because it's a great way to keep protein high, low-fat land calories. For everyday humans like you and me, tuna is a great source of protein that is relatively cheap! It travels well and can be transformed into many different dishes like sandwiches and casseroles.



Black beans and kidney beans are high in fibre, they control hunger and helps you feel fuller for a long time. Beans help with the benefits of weight loss, which will lead to several other medical perks that include lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduces cholesterol levels. The beans deliver protein as well as being low in calories. You can add them to soups and salads to tweak the taste accordingly to your liking.


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Pumpkin is incredibly low in calories and immensely packed with nutrients. It has under 50 calories per cup i.e, 245 grams consists of about 94% of water.

#funfact is pumpkin has more potassium than a banana and more fibre than quinoa. Amazing!


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Oatmeal contains a soluble fibre known as beta-glucan, which can help aid weight loss. Starting your day with a bowl of oatmeal could result in losing weight as well as increased energy during 8 Week Weight Loss Training Program.

Having oatmeal will help you feel fuller and gives you enough potential to run a day with less hunger. It provides more fibre, more protein, and less sugar than having other cereals.



Eggs are known as a powerhouse for weight loss. They have high-quality protein, essential nutrients like vitamin D and choline. Studies show that eating eggs for breakfast promotes weight loss, and the reason is protein enhances satiety while regulating hunger and appetite hormones, helping you feel satisfied until well after lunchtime.

Leafy Greens


Some leafy greens are a super addition in a quick weight loss diet plan because they are low in carbohydrates, calories and loaded with fibre. 

You can add spinach, kale, swiss chards, collards in your diet to increase the nutritional content of your meals without increasing the calories. Not only this but leafy greens are high in fibre that helps keep you feeling full.

Green Tea


Green tea for weight loss is as essential as a mask these days. Studies proved that having green tea helps to lose more belly fat as it has a type of antioxidant that facilitates rapid weight loss and hinders the storage of belly fat. 

Fresh Fruit Salad


Fruit consumption is directly associated with a lower risk of becoming overweight. Including fruit salad in the regular diet can be a naturally sweet treat to you, plus garner the benefits of fibre and antioxidants. A lot of people stay away from fruit because of the high sugar content, but these natural unprocessed sugars, when consumed in regular amounts, will not hinder your weight loss goals.



Nuts contain fibre and protein and are especially rich in heart-healthy fats and other nutrients. But you need to take care that you're consuming nuts in a moderate amount as some nuts are high in calories. Taking nuts or trail mix as a snack can improve your metabolic health and even helps to lose weight quickly.

Water with Lemon


H20 is a weight loss ally and helps you burn fatter during 8 Week Weight Loss Training Program. If you throw a few lemon slices into the water glass, it can speed up the weight loss process. How? Citrus fruits contain vitamin C and a nutrient that can reduce the scale of a stress hormone called cortisol. This cortisol level when high triggers hunger and fat storage. 

Now the best foods for a quick weight loss diet plan are here for you. It’s not about being perfect. Focus on introducing some of these foods and be patient. Bonus points if you add in some physical activity while you are at it.

I bet you’re going to love weight-loss foods because they are full of everything to help you live your happiest and healthiest life. Most importantly, adding in some of these foods will allow you to feel energized and full, so you can say goodbye to those low days!

Are you ready to try to lose your weight in just a few weeks during 8 Week Weight Loss Training Program? Join the powerful group of women on one transformation adventure where we focus on strength training and nutrition and make sure to include resources to overcome binge eating.

Stay strong. Be the fire.


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