How to avoid injury when working out

We all know the importance of regular exercise, but it’s crucial to work out safely to avoid causing yourself injury. Especially when lifting weights or using gym equipment, working out properly has to include using the equipment safely, as well as maintaining correct form and not pushing yourself too hard. If you pull or tear a muscle, or even suffer a more serious injury whilst exercising, you can set yourself back and the recovery process can be surprisingly long.

But, this is easier said than done, so here are some top tips for avoiding injury when working out.

Warming up

Even if you’re keen to get started with your workout, or you’re short on time, it’s crucial to never skip your warm-up. Getting your blood pumping faster and warming up your muscles helps to prevent strains and tears, as well as priming your nerve-to-muscle connections – meaning your movements will be more efficient. Warming up properly also reduces your recovery time post-workout, and can ease stiffness and soreness of your muscles. As you warm up, your body becomes more flexible as your muscles relax, which decreases your risk of injury.

Correct form

Whenever you perform an exercise, whether it’s with free weights, machines or your own body weight, you’re putting stress on your muscles, joints and ligaments. Maintaining correct form is vital to avoid hurting yourself, as it keeps everything aligned and avoids putting excessive strain on naturally weaker areas of your body.

If you can’t lift a weight or perform an exercise whilst maintaining correct form, you need to lower the weight or adjust the movement so that you’re working at a lower level of intensity. Pushing yourself before you’re ready is more likely to end up with an accident or injury that will set you way back on your training schedule.

Protect your back

Back injuries are serious, and intensive training can put a lot of strain on the delicate joints of your spine. Be sure to keep your knees behind your toes when lifting or squatting, and if you’re lifting particularly heavy free weights, use a belt to help support your lower back. Remember to engage your core stand close to the bar when lifting, and keep your spine as straight as possible. Don’t bend from the waist but from the knees and hips. Drinking enough water and getting enough sleep each night is also important to keep not only your spine but all of your body in top condition. Your spinal discs are 85% water, so staying hydrated keeps your back flexible. Getting a good amount of sleep allows your body to replenish your tired muscles and spinal discs with fluids and nutrients, so you can continue to train without injury in your next session.

Pace yourself

When creating your workout routine, be sure to pace yourself. Small increases in the intensity and duration of your exercises are far more beneficial to your long-term health and progress, and they’re less likely to result in injury.

If you try to achieve too much, too quickly, you also run the risk of burning yourself out and losing motivation altogether. Either because you’re too sore, or because you feel like a failure. Instead, break down your ultimate goals into achievable chunks. The satisfaction of reaching each mini-goal will power you throughout your workouts and help you reach your ultimate goals safely.


There are numerous benefits to stretching, but it’s something that many serious workout addicts don’t do enough of. As the teachings of physiotherapy tell us, stretching after exercising is important because it flexes the muscles and ligaments, helping to prevent lactic acid from pooling in them and causing soreness and stiffness. It also allows your muscles to remain flexible and extendable, meaning they can function effectively during your next workout. Seek advice if you hurt yourself working out If you do suffer an injury from working out, don’t ignore it. Always consult a health physician to check you haven’t done any significant damage. Many people who workout frequently will visit a physiotherapist regularly to ensure their body is in optimal condition and heals effectively after intensive exercise.

Seek advice if you hurt yourself working out

If you do suffer an injury from working out, don’t ignore it. Always consult a health physician to check you haven’t done any significant damage. Many people who workout frequently will visit a physiotherapist regularly to ensure their body is in optimal condition and heals effectively after intensive exercise.


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